PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveDashboards are DeadDashboards have been the primary weapon of choice for distributing data over the last few decades, but they aren’t the end of the story…Apr 9, 202091Apr 9, 202091
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveThe Analyst’s Workflow is BrokenA case for modern tools in a modern age.Feb 18, 20215Feb 18, 20215
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to design a dbt model from scratchA simple framework for building dbt models that actually get used.Jul 10, 20231Jul 10, 20231
The Ultimate SQL GuideUnderstanding SQL remains the best way to work with data in our organizations. For a stakeholder, just being able to read and understand…Jun 13, 202315Jun 13, 202315
Announcing Python in the canvasToday we’re excited to announce the much-anticipated release of Python in the canvas! It’s clear Python is no longer a tool just for data…Jun 1, 2023Jun 1, 2023
Count + dbt: Making your data models radically transparentdbt has fundamentally changed how most data teams work. It lets them create, and maintain complex data transformation models that power…May 18, 2023May 18, 2023
The ultimate guide to dbtToday we released the ultimate guide to dbt — a one-stop-shop for anyone hoping to learn what the dbt hype is about, pick up some curated…May 17, 20231May 17, 20231
Why people don’t trust your numbers and what you can do about it“Those numbers aren’t right.”May 9, 20233May 9, 20233
Published inTDS ArchiveDashboards Are Dead: 3 Years LaterWhat’s the purpose of dashboards in 2023?Apr 12, 202333Apr 12, 202333